What is a Patent? An exclusive right granted for a product, process or an improvement of a product or process which is new, inventive, and useful. It protects the functional application of a product Throughout the life of the patent, it allows the inventor to exclude others from making, using, or selling the product.
The Three Criteria New Involves an inventive step Industrially applicable
Terms of a Patent | What is a Trademark? A word, a group of words, sign, symbol, or a logo that identifies and differentiates the source of the goods or services of one entity from those of others Gives protection to the identity of brand and prevents others from using or exploiting the mark in any way May be a source of revenue for the owner through licensing or franchising of it to third parties
Terms of a Trademark | What is a Copyright? The legal protection extended to the owner of the rights in an original work It grant authors, artists and other creators automatic protection for their literary and artistic creations, from the moment they create it. Protects both original and derivative works. “Original work” – every production in the literary, scientific and artistic domain "Derivative work” – works based upon one or more pre-existing works
Terms of a Copyright |